
Better Call Saul flashback 515

Recap of Breaking Bad 515 “Granite State”. The Disappearerer arrives with his passenger at the vacuum repair shop. In a twist, that passenger is Saul. Ed the Disappearerer processes him in and we learn that Saul’s new life will be in Nebraska. Saul meets Walt here at the vacuum shop and ends Walt’s grand ideas…


Better Call Saul flashback 514

Recap of Breaking Bad 514, “Ozymandias”. The gunfight plays out in the desert scene from last episode. Gomez is dead and Hank is badly wounded. Things develop quickly as Walt negotiates for Hank’s life. His unsuccessful pleading involves revealing the location of the buried money. The money cache becomes a grave for Hank and Gomie.…


Better Call Saul flashback 513

Recap of Breaking Bad 513, “To’hajiilee”. Todd is trying to cook meth on his own but can’t seem to get the color or purity down right. Walt puts the hit on Jesse by setting it up with Todd and Jack. Hank’s plan is to trick Huell into revealing the details of the van and the…