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The Americans 411

This is episode 411 of The Americans, “Dinner for Seven”. Elizabeth puts her play against Don into action. The tell-all tape gets referenced multiple times, Stan reveals his angst and Paige witnesses her ninja mom in action. Check out Alan Sepinwall’s insightful Hitfix review of “Dinner for Seven” Please rate us and comment in iTunes.…


The Americans 410

This is episode 410 of The Americans, “Munchkins”. FBI Mail Robot joins the podcast to reflect on the passing of his old boss. Please rate us and comment in iTunes. If you want to connect and become a part of our WestCoastProject “The Americans” podcast, email us, check us out on Instagram & Facebook. Mike…


Fail Safe Movie Review

This is our review of the Sidney Lumet movie, “Fail Safe”. We team up with our friends Mike and Michelle at Tribalrant to discuss the movie’s themes of technology and nuclear war. Check out Tribalrant’s

Bombfire: Making a Murderer

Bombfire 107 Framing Defense

This is episode 107 of the Netflix series Making a Murderer, “Framing Defense”. The enhanced charges based on Brendan Dassey’s testimony are removed and Steven is back at the original three. Steven decides not to testify. Connect and become a part of our Bombfire: Making a Murderer podcast, email us, check us out on Instagram,…


The Americans 409

This is episode 409 of The Americans, “The Day After”. Nuclear conflict averted, but maybe not in the Don/Young-Hee family. William rallies and gets info about a new virus. He may soon be into Level 4 thanks to Elizabeth’s maneuvers with Young-Hee’s husband Don. Read about Edward Hume’s


Scathing Tweets 109

This is episode 109 of ScathingTweets for May 10th, 2016. Follow us for a daily update on trending Twitter and other takes on life. Info on Michelle from Tennessee’s TribalRant Podcast Please rate us and comment in iTunes. Connect and become a part of our WestCoastProject “Scathing Tweets” podcast, email | Instagram | Facebook |…


The Americans 408

This is episode 408 of The Americans, “The Magic of David Copperfield V: The Statue of Liberty Disappears”. The show advances 7 months. The pressure is off Philip and Elizabeth and right on to Paige? Watch David Copperfield